MARC (Machine Readable Cataloging record)
1986年的資料顯示, 已有21個國家圖書館將國家書目以機讀編目格式發行磁帶(進行販賣),大約有14種不同的規格。到了1995年, 至少有60個國家的國家圖書館發行該國的磁帶機讀編目格式; 其中, 一半採用 USMARC 格式, 四分之一採用 UNIMARC 格式, 其它的四分之一採用 UK MARC、MAB、InterMARC等格式。
研訂中文機讀編目格式 (Chinese MARC Format), 作為國內外目錄作業之規範。(錯誤,機讀編目格式沒有中英文之分)
以 UNIMARC 格式為底稿, 於1980年元月出版中文圖書機讀編目(錯誤)格式第一版, 緊接著採納美國專家的建議, 於同年7月, 出版修訂第二版。
1981年8月出版的中國機讀編目格式(正確),採納地圖、視聽資料等非書資料; 1984年出版了第二版, 主要係採納 UNIMARC Handbook 的部份內容(實際上沒有按照UNIMARC做,與國際溝通有困難); 1989年10月出版之第三版, 則以 UNIMARC Manual 為藍本, 成為大多數圖書館系統採用的標準, 至於1987年6月出版的第四版, 尚未正式融入實際的作業中。
國家圖書館擁有的全國圖書出版目錄, 較為接近國家書目的功能, 由各大圖書館聯合組成的全國圖書資訊網路 NBINet http://nbinet.ncl.edu.tw/screens/index_chi.html, 其書目記錄量大約是最完整的, 不過仍未具體的容納各合作館的書目記錄。
(Information and documentation-Format for information exchange)
2013年12月17日 星期二
2013年12月10日 星期二
131204 資訊組織 作業
1. 2010年5月ISBD Review Group的中國籍委員是誰?
顧犇 (Ben Gu)
2. 2010年ISBD適用的資源
(1)cartographic resources
(2)electronic resources
(3)moving images
(4)multimedia resources
(5)notated music resources
(6)printed texts
(7)sound recordings
(8)still images
3. 2010年ISBD的目標
The primary purpose of the ISBD is to provide the stipulations for compatible descriptive cataloguing worldwide in order to aid the international exchange of bibliographic records between national bibliographic agencies and throughout the international library and information community.
The title proper is the first element of the area even when it is preceded on the prescribed source of information by statements of responsibility, edition statements, series statements, publication/distribution statements, date, price or other matter that is not title proper information.
A file name of an electronic resource is not treated as the title proper unless it is the only name given internally on the file and externally on the resource, its container, documentation and other accompanying material.
A statement of responsibility consists of one or more names, phrases, or groups of characters relating to the identification and/or function of any persons or corporate bodies responsible for or contributing to the creation or realisation of the intellectual or artistic content of a work contained in the resource described.
Only statements naming persons and/or bodies with principal responsibility are required. Subsequent statements of responsibility are included when necessary for identification or otherwise considered important to users of the catalogue.
顧犇 (Ben Gu)
2. 2010年ISBD適用的資源
(1)cartographic resources
(2)electronic resources
(3)moving images
(4)multimedia resources
(5)notated music resources
(6)printed texts
(7)sound recordings
(8)still images
3. 2010年ISBD的目標
The primary purpose of the ISBD is to provide the stipulations for compatible descriptive cataloguing worldwide in order to aid the international exchange of bibliographic records between national bibliographic agencies and throughout the international library and information community.
The title proper is the first element of the area even when it is preceded on the prescribed source of information by statements of responsibility, edition statements, series statements, publication/distribution statements, date, price or other matter that is not title proper information.
A file name of an electronic resource is not treated as the title proper unless it is the only name given internally on the file and externally on the resource, its container, documentation and other accompanying material.
A statement of responsibility consists of one or more names, phrases, or groups of characters relating to the identification and/or function of any persons or corporate bodies responsible for or contributing to the creation or realisation of the intellectual or artistic content of a work contained in the resource described.
Only statements naming persons and/or bodies with principal responsibility are required. Subsequent statements of responsibility are included when necessary for identification or otherwise considered important to users of the catalogue.
2013年12月3日 星期二
131127 資訊組織 作業
IFLA成立ISBD修訂委員會,於1981年正式規畫,定期審視及修訂圖書、連續性出版品、靜畫資料及非書資料等ISBD。該委員會有三個主要目標:(1)協調各ISBD, 增加其一致性;
至1980年代底, 以上兩個短期目標都已達成。
ISBD主要的目標是明定全球相容的敘述書目記錄, 幫助國家書目機構在國際間互相交換書目記錄。藉由規範著錄的細目、順序、標點符號, 期望達成三個目標:
a)不同來源的書目資料, 得以互相交換, 甲國的書目資料可以輕易的被乙國的圖書館接受;
b)跨越語文障礙, 即使不認識該語文, 仍可識得其記錄的內容;
statement of responsibility
one or more names, phrases or groups of characters relating to the identification and/or function of any persons or corporate bodies responsible for or contributing to the creation or realisation of the intellectual or artistic content of a work. Statements of responsibility may occur in conjunction with titles (e.g. the title proper, parallel titles, titles of individual works contained in the resource, titles in series/subseries statements) or in conjunction with edition statements
著者敘述可能會與標題一起(例如: 正題名、並列題名、包含個人作品的標題、集叢敘述)或結合版本敘述
IFLA成立ISBD修訂委員會,於1981年正式規畫,定期審視及修訂圖書、連續性出版品、靜畫資料及非書資料等ISBD。該委員會有三個主要目標:(1)協調各ISBD, 增加其一致性;
至1980年代底, 以上兩個短期目標都已達成。
ISBD主要的目標是明定全球相容的敘述書目記錄, 幫助國家書目機構在國際間互相交換書目記錄。藉由規範著錄的細目、順序、標點符號, 期望達成三個目標:
a)不同來源的書目資料, 得以互相交換, 甲國的書目資料可以輕易的被乙國的圖書館接受;
b)跨越語文障礙, 即使不認識該語文, 仍可識得其記錄的內容;
statement of responsibility
one or more names, phrases or groups of characters relating to the identification and/or function of any persons or corporate bodies responsible for or contributing to the creation or realisation of the intellectual or artistic content of a work. Statements of responsibility may occur in conjunction with titles (e.g. the title proper, parallel titles, titles of individual works contained in the resource, titles in series/subseries statements) or in conjunction with edition statements
著者敘述可能會與標題一起(例如: 正題名、並列題名、包含個人作品的標題、集叢敘述)或結合版本敘述
文章 (Atom)